Travelling Blogger

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About Travelling Blogger

My name is Kar, and I am travel addict of Chinese descent but born and raised in the bright lights of London.

I originally created Travelling Blogger as an extension for a place to document my adventures and experiences when travelling and it quickly snowballed in mid 2012 into a team of 2.

I have combined air miles of having travelled to places such as Hong Kong, Portugal, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, China and many more whilst encountering amazing experiences along the way. Neither of us have any journalist background and I would even say that our writing style isn't the greatest, but we do have some quirky and adventurous tales that we'd love to share with you. Read what happened on Kar's 21st birthday in Hong Kong, or how he hitch-hiked on a farmers truck while getting lost in a Chinese forest

My main intention of this site is to encourage discussion, and I feel that the best stories are usually contributed by travel enthusiasts. This is why if you have any great travelling stories feel free to submit a guest post.

If you like what you read, then like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.


Bio: I am a twenty-something born and raised in London, after studying in Nottingham I went travelling across China and have plans to visit South America, Australia and the United States.

I would describe myself as being extremely restless and having a wandering mind. This led me onto combining my passion for travel, blogging and web design to writing on this site.

Place I have been to include France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and a few other brief stops here and there.

You can also catch me on my other blog Travel with Mates and All About Abroad

Feel free to chat to me on Google+.

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