Travelling Blogger

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Buckets and Budgets

Featured video - New Zealand...One high up on my buckets list

The Past, The Present and The Future

After graduating from Nottingham Business School with a degree in Marketing, I was given an amazing opportunity to go to and live in Beijing for a month. This only aided to my wanderlust and gave me the kick up the backside to creating this blog.

Unfortunately for a lot of students in the UK, we're left with a huge student debt to pay off so money for travelling was increasingly scarce. Hopefully you'll join me in my journey to finally paying off my debt, as well as enjoying what the world has to offer at the same time.

This page is intended in being as open as I can about where I am in terms of paying off my debt with my website, as well as sharing ideas about how I budget when travelling.

Never missing an opportunity...Planking on the Great Wall of China.

Bucket List

- Manchester
- Nottingham
- Paris
- Toulouse - Madrid
- Barcelona
- San Sebastian
- Berlin
- Amsterdam
- Milan
- Lisbon
- Algarve
- Poland
- Greece
- New Zealand
- New York
- Washington
- Las Vegas
- Hawaii
- Canada
- Japan
- Beijing
- Shanghai
- Shenzhen
- Hong Kong
- Singapore
- Australia
- Thailand
- Malaysia
- Taiwan
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Columbia