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Top 5: Weirdest Hotels

Top 5: Weirdest Hotels

This week’s top 5 looks at 5 weird and wonderful hotels found around the world. Now I know what you’re thinking, a lot of the weirdest hotels can be found in Japan. However, we’ve had a look at some of the other hotels found elsewhere around the globe.

5. The Dog Park Inn - Idaho USA

All sorts of weird and wonderful can be found in the good old US of A if you look hard enough, and sure enough here is a Hotel shaped in the form of a dog. The hotel creation by Toby and Sweet Willy, is a 2 storey high bed and breakfast with the main bedroom situated in the larger dogs nozzle. It can be safe to say that both Toby and Sweet are…cat lovers?

4. Das Park Hotel in Austria

Who would have thought it? The Das Park Hotel in Austria is actually a renovated sewage pipe. Now we know what you’re thinking, that looks incredibly comfortable right? Obviously the ‘hotel’ is more of a tourist attraction and amusement more than anything else, but I can’t help thinking that the amusement would slightly wear off once in bed, and the realisation that you’re sleeping in a concrete tube, once sewage pipe sinks in.

3. The Null Stern Hotel in Switzerland

Perhaps a special mention to the number 3 on our list: the Null Stern Hotel. The first 0 star hotel was proudly the hotels selling point and has since 2010 been turned into a museum promoting the ‘individual’ staying in the hotel as being the luxury of the destination. Paying premium prices to stay in a shitty bed? We just think it’s a massive but brilliant scam.

2. The Hobbit Motel in New Zealand

The Hobbit Motel in New Zealand is just what the name suggests, for Lord or the Rings and Hobbit hardcore fans worldwide.

1. Propeller Island

There was no competitor to the number one spot, mainly because Propeller Island plays host to so many weird themed hotel stays. Visitors can choose to sleep in coffins, upside down rooms, cages, and even two way mirrored rooms. To each their own.

(Images sourced from Google)

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