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9 Wonderful Experiences Tourists Always Miss

Traveling to an exotic locale is a chance to see sights and experience things that are not always available to a tourist in their home country.

Even when going out to enjoy new experiences, it is easy to be caught in a travel rut and do the same things everyone else does. These are the most common experiences missed by tourists.


1. The Comforts of Home

Staying in a hotel among other tourists can deny you an opportunity to feel more at home on vacation. A rented house or cottage, on the other hand, can offer a chance to meet neighbors and cultivate friendships in the country you are visiting.

2. A Taste of Local Culture

Sometimes the best way to get a good feel for the culture around you is to get away from the tourist traps and attend a festival. There you can get a sampling of local music, local art and local foods among other things.

3. A Local, Guided Tour


If you really want to go to new places and see sights tourists rarely see, hiring a local guide is a good option. They can take you through places and events that hold more meaning than being a good place to take a picture.

4. The Great Outdoors

One of the best things to do at home is to get into nature, and it can be equally fun abroad. Take the opportunity to climb a mountain, hike a trail or row a boat across a lake. If you are in a city, go to a local park and explore trails.

5. Lesser-Known Landmarks

Tourists in Paris usually go to the Eiffel Tower, but that doesn’t mean that is the only place you should visit in France. Part of the fun of traveling is exploring lesser-known landmarks. It is a good way to learn the history and culture of that place.

6. The Taste of Home Cooked Food


What would it be like to go to Italy and not eat authentic Italian pasta dishes? Step outside the hotel and chain restaurants to savor the local flavours. You might discover a new favorite food or get a different take on something you already enjoy.

7. A Different Photographic Perspective


Everyone takes pictures of themselves on vacation. A better option is to also chronicle the sights and sounds around you. Those pictures can help you relive your vacation more vividly at a later date.

8. Exploring a Different Path

Sometimes the best thing to do is not stick to the guidebook. Explore other trails. Visit other towns. Go to other places than what is suggested. Some of the best sights are the ones not widely seen.

9. Local Entertainment


Want to get a feel for the land you are visiting? Think about doing something besides hitting shops and museums. Take in a game involving a local soccer team or go watch a street performer.

The bottom line is being creative about what you choose to do on vacation can help you experience things other tourists can only dream about doing.

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Jessy is an adventurous blogger. Her favorite travel destination is Papillon Grand Canyon - and you should go there too!

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