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7 Seriously Wacky Ski Costumes Found on the Slopes

When it comes to the ‘style’ of some skiers, there are some outfits that just can’t help but stand out from the rest. Have a gander and a giggle at this collection of some of the most wacky ski costumes to have ever graced the slopes.


(1) Oh, What a (Freezing) Feeling:

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I don’t know about you, but when I see this image, the huge hit from Flashdance, “What a Feeling”, springs to mind. But unlike the musical, this brightly coloured outfit isn’t for dancing, oh no, it’s only to wear for when she hits those almighty slopes. A big thumbs up to her though, I mean she’s not going to get lost on the piste is she? Surely this outfit will be able to seen for miles.

(2) Clowning About


Who’s this clowning about? Whoever it is, he appears to be having the time of his life. Just one problem though, he must have caused quite a scene out on the slopes. I just hope fellow skiers weren’t too distracted and watched where they were going.

(3) The Misfits

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Well what a bunch of crazily dressed skiers we have here, including a ‘Gretel looking’ character crossed with a fairy and one clothed in what I can only assume is a onesie. And, you second along, looking as proud as punch, is that a grass skirt you’ve got on? You’re in the Alps, you know. Not Hawaii. And, taking your short pink wig, coloured leggings and pink socks into consideration. You’re definitely the silliest dressed skier here. That is what you’re trying to achieve, right?

(4) Camouflage Queen

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Oh dear. This skier mustn’t realise her bright white outfit will blend seamlessly with the bright white snow. She’s just asking for someone to slam into her dressed like that. Fellow skiers, be vigilant!

(5) Very Niiiice

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Oh no. Someone dressed as the character ‘Borat’ on the slopes. He’s going to freeze like that. It’s, erm certainly cold, out there. Surely he must know the importance of layering? He has got a bob hat on though, got to give him that. When it comes to silly dressed skiers (or not dressed in this case) this one certainly stands out.

(6) Make Your Mind Up

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Sporting a red dress, wads of cash AND a pair of skis, this lady can’t decide whether to go dancing, shopping or skiing. My advice to you: Stick to skiing, lots more fun.

(7) Snow Joke

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Well, well, what have we got here. A skier dressed in leopard print - yes leopard print - pants, a bright pink t-shirt ‘complemented’ by a red fleece jacket. The bloke’s looking rather happy with himself, and his look, don’t you think? He’s all big smiles for the camera before he hits the slopes, his big moment. Personally, I think I’d laugh my way down the slopes dressed like this. Skiing is all about having a great time, as the above skiers know only too well. So, what outfit are you going to wear for your next ski trip then?

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