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Spanish Trademarks


Vibrancy of Spanish national character is reflected in every piece of its culture: cuisine, architecture, music, dancing, art, communication and features.

These very things are recognized all over the world, and tourists are usually eager to explore all the cultural exquisites of Spain by taking trips to some specific sightseeing spots like Seville or Barcelona, or getting to marvelous beach resorts. Notwithstanding there are many hot spots to discover and many things to try!

There is no better way to observe Spanish emotionality than to watch spectacular bullfighting performance. This traditional festival roots back to ancient times, as battles with bulls were popular long before vast Roman conquests. To date, many Spaniards agree that it is a cruel and violent show and awful treatment to animals goes without saying. However, for many centuries bullfight has been a holiday, where a torero demonstrated his courage and braveness and, therefore, taught viewers to stay patient and persistent in any life circumstances. Bullfight became a true image of Spanish temper.


Flamenco is a famous Spanish dance, as once could claim. Though, it is not only about dancing. Flamenco appears to be the entire song-like performance; so, it is merely impossible to define whether flamenco is purely a dance, a plain song, asigning culture or a mode of life. All in all, flamenco originated in Andalusia and nowadays, in contrast, it has embraced the whole world. The main characters of flamenco show are “bailaor” (a dancer), “cantaor” (a singer) and “tocaor” (a guitarist). Flamenco festivals and shows are distributed all over the country, but the best ones are arranged in Seville, Cordoba and Granada.


Many tourists consider tapas a sort of national dish, but in sober fact it resembles the entire Spanish livelihood. Going from one bar to another, eating tapas snacks, drinking local wine or beer, and having noisy conversations are a common way to spend leisure time in Spain. Spaniards like to visit dozens of tapas bars during one evening after work.  It is also a popular family tradition on weekends, when adults take their children to have some tapas in neighboring cafes or restaurants. Tapas, by the way, is served in any time of the day and is an obligatory snack accompanying alcohol drinks.


Spanish history is usually related to powerful monarchs, supremacy of religion and numerous battlefields. Namely, it might be confirmed by the number of castles dispersed in every province. In particular, the total number of castles built over the history of Spain reaches 10 thousand constructions, nearly 2500 of which stand at present, including 500 in a good repair. Certainly, tourists are recommended to visit Spanish Royal residences, which are opened on certain days, such as El Escorial, the Royal Palace of Madrid or Aranjuez.

Barcelona is a cherished tourist destination for many art lovers in the world. There a lot of must-see places in the capital of Catalonia, thanks to abundance of architect styles, vivid city history and, of course, convenient infrastructure designed exclusively for foreign visitors. Barcelona is a city, where guidebook is of vital necessity for a tourist! Although financially, the Spanish employment zone may not be performing as well as it should do, you can get a long distance phone card for international calling back home when you need to. 

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