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Landmarks in New York

Manhattan can seem a daunting prospect to those who are maybe short on money (I hear you students). With fifth avenue stretching out to show you it’s flashy designer stores and equally as flashy customers, the fancy restaurants crammed into Times Square with their large courses and even larger tip demands.


Even getting around can appear to set you back as you jump in a cab or on the Subway. Yet fear not, young traveller, for some good things in life are free, and not even New York City is an exception to that rule.

New York Public Library


For anyone who has seen the Sex and the City movie, the New York Public Library is instantly recognisable as the place poor old Carrie Bradshaw was jilted at her wedding. If that is the reason you want to go then you don’t have to walk far to see where the scene was filmed. The staircases where it was shot are seen as soon as you enter the magnificent building (once you have emptied your bags and your pockets at the security desk). Of course for those who have no interest in Carrie Bradshaw’s love life – the building is magnificent all on its own. From the huge stone lions guarding the entrance to the towering ceilings, it’s an architectural beauty – and make sure at one point to just grab a book, sit down and read for a bit.

Ground Zero


It goes without saying that Ground Zero is free to go see and the site really is truly moving. For a city that is so often blaring with noise, Ground Zero falls silent. It is eerie yet emotional and a fitting tribute to those who lost their lives. Located down in the financial district, a museum is currently under construction, but there are still certain monuments in place to commemorate those who were lost in the tragedy. It is worth going, not so much as a voyeur, but just as a nod to those we need to remember.

American Museum of Natural History


The museum has a “suggested” general admission of around $20, however this is considered more of a donation as opposed to an entrance fee. However if you wish to avoid the embarrassment of refusing to hand over your 20 bucks, the museum is actually completely free in its last hour – however the museum does take a few hours to really see everything so I wouldn’t recommend trying to cram everything in to that last hour slot. Besides, if you have seen Night at the Museum, you know you don’t want to end up being accidentally locked in the place.

The Bronx Zoo


Another attraction with “suggested” pricing, the zoo has everything from butterfly gardens to camel rides and showcases animals from Elephants to African Wild Dogs. Although outside of Manhattan it is easily accessible using the Subway system and I would highly recommend visiting the Bronx Zoo as opposed to Central Park; as although it is more well-known, Central Park Zoo has less animals on display cramped into much smaller exhibits.

The beauty of Manhattan is that once you have spent some time really walking around, you’ll find all manner of things to do in the city that don’t involve an entrance fee. Make sure to travel with a partner however and happy hunting!

  1. travellingblogger posted this
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