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Cancellation Holidays - The New ‘Last Minute’

Sometimes out of the blue you might find that you have enough time to take advantage of an unexpected gap in your working schedule and your thoughts may well turn to a holiday escape.



Thanks to the miracles of the internet and increased consumer demand one way of fleeing the country at very short notice is to research the holiday market. If you’re in work you may have to undertake some protracted negotiations with your boss and give coherent reasons why you just have to make use of this amazing deal, but if you try and make use of cancellation holidays within your allotted vacation time then you won’t even have to cause ructions within the corporate superstructure.


Much as I would love to have my own plane and jet off to some amazing destination at a moment’s notice, realistically this certainly ain’t going to happen any time soon. In common with many people my finances do tend to fluctuate, so the idea that I can find an affordable holiday at any given time certainly makes for some wonderful daydreams. The downside of this type of holiday is that I’ll be making use of someone’s misfortune; their cancellation means my gain, as the airline will have resold their seat to me and I can only hope that karma will work to their advantage in the future.


In theory you will only find out about your holiday at very short notice, so it’s a good idea to have your essentials packed so that you can depart the moment that you get the call or text from the holiday company telling you that a holiday has come up and you can depart for that necessary fun in the sun. Make sure that your passport is up to date and if you are going further afield make sure that all your vaccination jabs are in order. Some holiday companies do list these types of holidays on their websites so that you can carry out a little bit of planning, but the cost advantages might not be so great as a last minute cancellation.


The destinations are varied because, sadly, anyone at anytime might have had to cancel their holiday, leaving their booking open for you. You can specify that you will only be interested in holidays to a place of your choosing or you could really enter into the spirit of adventure and take whatever you are offered to any part of the world. Of course, if you have temporarily parted company with the 9-5 world of work you could opt for a longer stay overseas and really benefit from this opportunity.


One of the main advantages of this type of holiday is the speed at which it can all come together. You won’t have to hang around for that long waiting for your long dreamed for trip; some companies claim that within a week of booking your cancellation trip you could be on the beach just lapping up those rays.

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